4 Reasons Why Small Businesses Need A Website

Most small business owners in Dubai and the UAE view websites as just an added accessory to business operations, not a necessity of the modern world. 

Their reasoning behind this thought process is that when a company is starting out in the market, there are already so many expenses that need to be looked after like rent, salaries, future growth, office supplies, signage, and company registration, and a website simply isn’t worth the investment.
Importance of website for small businesses
Importance of website

Importance of website for small businesses

In this article, we’re going to give you four best reasons why website is important for your small business if it wants to get established in the industry and grow for the future. 

Let’s begin!

It offers unlimited marketing opportunities at cheap prices

According to website design companies, having a website allows you to market your products and services almost free-of-cost!

Think about some of the most effective methods of advertising like signage, TV ads, billboards, etc., and you’ll realize that all of these tools are extremely expensive to run for long periods of time. 

By having a professional website, it will set you back barely $500 in total expenses annually while offering you the chance to showcase your products and services online 24/7, 365 days a year. 

Ecommerce opportunities

Worldwide ecommerce sales are expected to reach roughly 3.45 trillion dollars in 2019 and any retail store that doesn’t shift its operations online runs the risk of losing out on millions of dollars in sales and lost customers. 

Having a local brick-and-mortar store is crucial in helping you establish your business within a locality, but these stores represent an expensive operational expense, and they don’t allow any room for growth into other markets or industries as compared to ecommerce website

Establish connections with new customers

Another important benefit of having a website is that it will allow you to connect with customers who may be unfamiliar with your business. 

As highlighted in the point above, brick-and-mortar stores help you establish a local customer base, but they’re not effective at helping you reach out to consumers who may be present in other localities.

This drawback is further highlighted by the fact that an increasing number of customers are turning to the internet for all their shopping needs. 

Big benefits to small businesses

A common misconception amongst the SMEs in Dubai is that websites are only beneficial to large corporations and multinational companies who are guaranteed to show up on the first page of results on a search engine. 

While this may be true in certain cases, websites are actually extremely important for small businesses looking to grow in a locality! This is because almost 80% of UAE households now use the internet when shopping locally for their desired products or services! 

In addition, in the past few years, Google and other search engines have started ranking results based on location rather than worldwide popularity. 

This means that no matter how many MNCs may operate in your industry of choice globally, their websites won’t be shown to local consumers if they don’t have an office in the region. 


So, what are you waiting for?

Get in touch with a best website development company in Dubai today, and have them build a professional looking, efficient website for your small business. It’ll give you free access to millions of new customers, and you’ll see your sales increasing exponentially within a month. It’s too good an opportunity to pass up!

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